Of Project Tranquilforage

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"Daguerrotype Portrait of an Amateur Harnesser Girl at the First Summit of Fovaram Harnessers" by an unnamed photographer. The portrait is believed to depict Celiann Guijarro.

Untitled Portrait by Thatcher Johannes, 1494 AEI, oil on canvas. A depiction of Durn.

"Maea," by Celiann Guijarro, 1494 AEI, from Guijarro's journal. 


The Continents of the Planet Mat Welt, from the reference book 'The World Through the Eyes of Fovaram,' published in 1476 AEI.

Generally, the planet Mat Welt can be split up into nine distinct land masses. These are North Abiyala, South Abiyala, Kalaallit Nunaat, Alkebulan, Huaxia, Geia, Keo Deudai, High Zenith, and High Nadir.

A rough depiction of the land and river channels in the North Abiyalan country Fovaram.


On Mat Welt, especially in Geia and the Abiyalas. the Energetic Ignition Calendar is the most common time measurement system. Events are recorded as Before Energetic Ignition (BEI) and After Energetic Ignition (AEI). Humans have existed in some capacity for roughly 200,000 years and have organized civilizations since roughly 3500 BEI. Generally, since 0 AEI, most civilizations have been making an effort to adapt to or against the plight of the ignition. The ignition has resulted in the constant presence of recycled energy throughout the world. Generally, they are called 'Monoderivative-omniemissions.' 

Mono: One, single. 

Derivative: To be taken or drawn from.

Omni: All, every.

Emission: To be released.

Energy released naturally is recycled, but energy released through human intervention is gone forever

Many people have taken it upon themselves to help expel the energy.